Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2019 - Supporting A Friend In Need

[Disclaimer: this post contains an item that was gifted]

I haven't spoken much about my PhD research on my blog, but it's such a big part of my life it seems wrong to leave it out. A lot of my blog is about things I love, things I'm passionate about, and I guess in a way this falls into one of my passions, or interests at least, as well.

My PhD research topic is very specific and often when I tell people about it, they look at me blankly. The research focus is on restrictive eating disorders in autistic women. We're looking at why the rates of anorexia and other restrictive eating disorders seem to be so high in autism (see Huke et al., 2013 for a review) and whether the causing and maintaining factors behind the eating disorder are different to that of a "neurotypical" (essentially, someone who is not on the autism spectrum) person with an eating disorder. 

Hopefully, this research will have practical implications in helping autistic women to access appropriate services and receive better treatment and care. It's something I've been interested in for a while now (I became aware of it about 6 years ago), and so to be doing a PhD on the topic is pretty cool (yeah, PhD's are cool okay). 

But for this blog post, I want to focus more on eating disorders in general. Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW) falls in February each year, with the aim to raise awareness and encourage support for eating disorders. Most people know what an eating disorder is on a superficial level, but there are a lot of myths and stereotypes around them, which organisations like Beat (the country's leading eating disorder charity) help to debunk. They have some great online resources if you want to know more:

Taste of Wales Afternoon Tea with Future Inns - *PLUS EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT CODE!*

Happy 2019 all!

I was recently invited to a lovely evening with Future Inns to try out their new afternoon teas with a handful of other bloggers. 

If you haven't heard of Future Inns before, they are a small Canadian chain of hotels, currently based in the UK in Cardiff Bay, Bristol and Plymouth and not only do they offer overnight stays with free parking and WiFi (priorities!) and easy access to the city centres, but they also have a fantastic restaurant that we were lucky enough to visit. They're currently pushing their Taste of Wales afternoon tea which is all made from scratch on site. 

REVIEW: Deli Fuego, City Road Cardiff

You might know by now that I'm a big fan of Cardiff's City Road. It's right on my doorstep and offers numerous delicious dining options. The latest addition to my list of favourites has to be Mediterranean restaurant Deli Fuego. The exterior is grand - you really can't miss it! And as for the interior, it is HUGE, boasting balcony and ground floor seating. Deli Fuego kindly invited Tim and I along to try their food and drinks and I'd been past a few times but I can't believe I haven't tried it until now! 

Fresher's Finest With PrettyLittleThing

It's that time of year again when students-to-be are packing up to fly the nest and start a new adventure at University. As a student blogger, I've written quite a few posts now about the do's and dont's of Uni, but not many that focus on fashion. I would say my true personal style really evolved in my first or second year of Uni. It absolutely is a crucial period in terms of finding your sense of identity in terms of how you feel in your own skin, and loving what you're wearing will give you that all-important confidence boost about yourself.

If you haven't heard of PrettyLittleThing yet, firstly where have you been? And secondly, you really should! They have a student style section which gives you a huge catalogue of inspiration and cool pieces that can really make an outfit. More importantly, you can get 10% off all year round with your student discount at Unidays - bonus! PrettyLittleThing kindly sent me some pieces to style for different occasions and scenarios that will no doubt occur multiple times during your time at University. Check out what I chose below:

1. A look for when... you're out shopping with your new flatmates
Crop top:
Cropped jumper:
High-waisted Mom jeans:

Why "Shit Happens" Should Be Your New Go-To Drinking Game

Many of you will soon be celebrating the end of the exam period. I've been there many times now and generally it goes a bit like this:
1. Spend two hours getting ready
2. Friends arrive for pre-drinks
3. Spend a good few hours at someone's house playing drinking games (everyone knows this is the best part of a night out)
4. Get a taxi to town to go to a questionable nightclub
5. Boogie
6. Walk home, stopping at some kind of fast food place on the way 

Now let's skip back to step 3, because there's a new kid on the block in the games industry and it's called "Shit Happens". I was kindly sent this to review and in true student fashion I, of course, had to review it as part of the night out ritual.